Yu-ki e i suoi gioielli

Forum dedicato al gruppo JROCK: ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION

Moderatore: lucifer273

Messaggi: 2201
Iscritto il: 30 novembre 2010, 23:19

Yu-ki e i suoi gioielli

Messaggio da Wicca87 »

Yu-ki ha lanciato una linea di gioielli e siccome non è pratico di internet Mana ha deciso di metterli in vendita nel midi:nette shop (ma fare una collaborazione con la moi meme moitie no? -.-') https://midi-nette.shop-pro.jp/?mode=cat ... 429&csid=0 eccovi il link alla collezione a mio avviso i gioielli sono splendidi e conoscendo i prezzi delle pietre dure sono anche nella media...
"Non devi essere come la figlia di Caino,
E della razza che è divenuta
Scellerata e infame a causa dei maltrattamenti.
Come Giudei e Zingari,
Tutti ladri e briganti,
Tu non divieni...
(I Canti di Aradia o il Vangelo delle Streghe di C. Leland)
Messaggi: 553
Iscritto il: 15 febbraio 2009, 0:27

Re: Yu-ki e i suoi gioielli

Messaggio da elettra86it »

questi gioielli sono FAVOLOSI *_____________________________* tra l'altro ha scritto un blog da lacrimuccia (Mana dico...) su questa cosa... vi posto la traduzione perchè merita.
†  MoL
This is a little sudden, but for all the Yu~ki fans,
you will like this hot news of the natural stone!

At this time on the Midi:Nette Shop
we have decided to release Yu~ki's own natural stone accessory brand "Mother of Life".

Our discussion was as follows…
This year, I met up with Yu~ki-chan a number of times in various places,
when he started making his own accessories, it was something I not only got to see, but watched come to life…
Everyone also knows that since I also like natural stones
it was something I was drawn to…

When we were talking, Yu~ki seemed not to be very well versed in computers, so I have been worrying about how his work will actually circulate around.(-ω-; muumu…。

Yu~ki's breaking away of 10 years of silence was not only through music, but also as a new "Production artist", but since we were in the same band for several years I am happy to be able to support him
So in conclusion I decided to sell his stuff on the MIdi:Nette shop.

Having said that, for the commemoration of the launch, I received a comment from Yu~ki-chan.

Everyone, its been a while.

Currently I am linked to production activity,
and steadily underwater I have been doing ornament work,
so this time I have brought up my own brand, Mother of Life,
and I have decided to receive help with my work from the Midi:Nette Shop.

This work is mainly finished ornamental designs with a natural stone that looks like a romantic painting and has various curved and spiraled images expressed though wire.
Also, in preparation for each work in the series, there will be a message printed out that comes along with each theme.
But, I have never started such mysterious activity before (laughs)
I think this is really an experience.

In relation to the natural stone, just like a typical power stone,
it doesn't scribe the effect that is said to be legendary and wordily.
In my opinion the natural stone feels like the point in time when you meet an essential person at an essential time.
It would be great if it were like beginning a trip back to one's beginning of a beautiful encounter for a lot of people.

hmm!? But why is a Bass player making decorations?
At least now when you read this I think perhaps people will remember me (laughs)
Well, on the contrary maybe people who remember me aren't uncomfortable saying "aahh~ I see"?

I might be saying a lot but…
Until this I have wanted to continue doing various things, but I think that I should take care of this new production activity related to this.

Besides in relation to the surrounding environment and the dramatic change in current state of affairs even now.
That explains a little too much, but that doesn't mean I am detached from music, and for me this is just one way of expressing myself, so right now I am walking with the joy and pain of my creations on my shoulders!

So far with something like that in mind, I want to create things that have never been seen before in the world.
Also, everyone who says "Aa~ahh, Yu~ki is still doing something mysterious!" I would really feel happy if I received your enjoyment and encouragement.

hmm? But, why am I posting a comment on Mana-chan's blog?

…people are great, aren't they. Every day, technology changes, and with the press of a button you can search for anything, so word is always getting around from one correspondence to another….
Don't Think.Feel! Using the words of the master who said "Don't think, feel!" (Bruce Lee), who only relies on intuition, for me walking only with feeling was a difficult way to live in the world…

So…leaving that behind…in the current time period. But its just an excuse you can escape to escape from things you've learned (Bitter smile)

And, spending time quietly separated from people and afraid, Mana-Sama called out to me when I was living in pity!

"Come live with me" …Ahh!! Mana-Sama~!!
…no no, he didn't say anything like that (laughs)
He said "Let me know if you need help with anything. Okay[.]?"
Friends are something I should hold with me. Someone is always coming to my rescue~.

Everyone~ Friends are important! People are not alone~ so we cannot live alone~!
But, when relying on others, its no good to be passive! Especially for me (laughs)

I give thanks to those who are going around giving me support with this and that, and for this production activity for me and for everyone I think it would be best if I could make this new commemoration in 1 page.
Therefore everyone, welcome to Mother of Life!


To everyone who is a Yu~ki fan,
let's congratulate him on his new start!


2011/11/20 (Sunday) 14:08:08
FONTE https://manaaesthetics.livejournal.com/
Messaggi: 23705
Iscritto il: 29 giugno 2006, 22:53

Re: Yu-ki e i suoi gioielli

Messaggio da Grifoncina »

Che bello sentire che Yu-ki é ancora vivo, LOL Dov'é Klaha??? çOç
La mia collezione parziale di musica asiatica : https://www.jmusicitalia.com/jmusic/coll ... oncina-u3/
Messaggi: 2201
Iscritto il: 30 novembre 2010, 23:19

Re: Yu-ki e i suoi gioielli

Messaggio da Wicca87 »

Ehm... con calma vedrai che prima o poi tira fuori dalla naftalina anche lui... XD
"Non devi essere come la figlia di Caino,
E della razza che è divenuta
Scellerata e infame a causa dei maltrattamenti.
Come Giudei e Zingari,
Tutti ladri e briganti,
Tu non divieni...
(I Canti di Aradia o il Vangelo delle Streghe di C. Leland)
Messaggi: 23705
Iscritto il: 29 giugno 2006, 22:53

Re: Yu-ki e i suoi gioielli

Messaggio da Grifoncina »

Non credo proprio! U_U;
La mia collezione parziale di musica asiatica : https://www.jmusicitalia.com/jmusic/coll ... oncina-u3/
Messaggi: 2201
Iscritto il: 30 novembre 2010, 23:19

Re: Yu-ki e i suoi gioielli

Messaggio da Wicca87 »

Vedrai secondo me Mana sa con esattezza dove si trova e non escludo che gli stia rompendo le scatole...
"Non devi essere come la figlia di Caino,
E della razza che è divenuta
Scellerata e infame a causa dei maltrattamenti.
Come Giudei e Zingari,
Tutti ladri e briganti,
Tu non divieni...
(I Canti di Aradia o il Vangelo delle Streghe di C. Leland)
Messaggi: 23705
Iscritto il: 29 giugno 2006, 22:53

Re: Yu-ki e i suoi gioielli

Messaggio da Grifoncina »

E lo sa si dov'é! Ma Klaha non credo proprio voglia far sapere alla gente dove sia, non si sarebbe rinchiuso in un silenzio di tomba che dura ormai dal 2004.
La mia collezione parziale di musica asiatica : https://www.jmusicitalia.com/jmusic/coll ... oncina-u3/
Lord of Jmusic
Messaggi: 6081
Iscritto il: 23 marzo 2007, 19:21

Re: Yu-ki e i suoi gioielli

Messaggio da lucifer273 »

se, Klaha ormai ha deciso di restare a vita privata...:S cmq cavolo voglio uno di quei gioielli !!!
Sakito's my love
Messaggi: 1019
Iscritto il: 5 aprile 2012, 19:17

Re: Yu-ki e i suoi gioielli

Messaggio da Sakito's my love »

Yu-ki è un genio *O* sono bellissimi *____________*

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